Welcome....today's anger level is....Red

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Air Force Ones

Let me start off saying I will never get the appeal of Nike Air Force Ones.
Now we all know that we love our new shoes. I can remember getting new shoes for school and dying to wear them before school actually started. I just have to say people are taking this shoe game a little too far, lol.

Okay, I was at the club last weekend and this guy next to me was shit faced and ACCIDENTALLY stepped on this chicks shoes. We've all been around someone drunk and just excused them because they were drunk, but do you think she could let that slide?? Hell NO she proceeded to yell at him.

Her- Nigga, you done stepped on my new forces.
Him- My bad.
Her- Nah, thats not cool you messed up my white shoes.
Him- Uh, chill out.

By this time I'm thinking I'm about to witness a beat down as she was all up in dude's face. Luckily some other guy in the club grabbed her away. I just have to say that whole scenerio was ridiculous. She knowingly put on her new white kicks, went to a crowded club, knew people were gonna be drunk... yet she still didn't think about the possiblity of someone stepping on her shoes??

What is this power Forces have on people? Now don't get me wrong I like to keep my shoe game tight, but I will never go out and spend $200+ for some damn sneakers.
And have you seen people wear Forces with a suit? Com'on now.
Boondocks Grandpa New Shoes

Run DMC short clip talking about shoes-

Nelly- Air Force Ones

Wolfpack- Vans.

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